Ford F150 News

October 17, 2009

Toyota Workers look out – you’re being scammed

In the business section of today’s Toronto Star, I read very disappointing news. After years of screwing the auto industry with overzealous labour demands and eventually costing the Canadian taxpayer millions and in a world of reducing labour force, the CAW is trying to get Toyota workers to come over to the dark side.

Lets face it – the CAW paying membership is being reduced on a steady basis as plants close, shifts are reduced and production moved out of Canada and, in order to support the lifestyle they have gotten used to, they are trying to get Toyota workers to get on board a union.  Hey, if it wasn’t for the taxpayer bailout, the union auto industry would be sucking lemons right now.  Your non-union plant has been doing great.

They say it is because Toyota has scheduled extra production, reduced some paid holidays and increased daily production. Wake up Toyota worker – this is what the UAW has agreed to in the US to get production rolling and the CAWhas also make concessions.

In order to protect your company, these things had to be done but it seems that the CAW wants to bring you guys down to the lowest common dominator.  I’d tell you stories but I think it is common knowledge – union = protection of worst worker. 

It was a union plant that built my F150 with the leaky window and this so-called voice of the people, the CAW didn’t help me, even though it was one of their guys who made the mistake.  So much for responsibility and accountability.  Their guy made the mistake but they tell me it’s Ford’s problem.  Each pass the buck and nothing gets done.

So, Toyota it is up to you.  You’ve got good workers and maybe they need something to help out.  But, you Toyota worker have a responsibility as well to put out a quality product and work towards making sure you are competitive. 

Unless of course, you want to join the CAW/UAW union method of sucking on the taxpayer’s tit for help.  Nothing like union welfare.

March 6, 2009

Ford, no life like it – at least in their minds

I was cruising the forums today and found one person’s viewpoint on Ford. (yes, my electronics lasted for this visit, but then my computer isn’t “Ford Built Tough” 🙂 You’ll find his thoughts on Ford at the end of this blog.

I received another piece of propaganda from Ford yesterday. Goebbels would be proud of this masterpiece. They start off with “as a proud Ford owner”. Obviously they haven’t been listening to me. Then, they go on and state, “we know you share our concern for safety”.  I don’t think so.  I believe in a vehicle that is built with safety in mind – not advertised safety but reality safety.  You know, having a truck that doesn’t have a front built-in leaky window that allows water to fry my electronics and put me at risk.  This is risk that is verified with government reports, that you seem to ignore.  As well, you have trucks that blow spark plugs that create a risk of fire.  But, you ignore these problems, fix them at our cost and send out propaganda that is worthless.  I note you also state, “enjoy the savings you love”.  What savings?  I paid for the truck with your built in surprises and it cost me an extra $3000 in repairs.  Your salesman didn’t tell me I was expected to pay out more money for the truck when I bought it.  I thought the price, pluse normal wear and tear was it but, foolish old me expected a good union made product that would last me for awhile before eating into my pension (which is somewhat lower than the guys who built the truck I must add).  Lastly, they mention the “long term value you deserve as a loyal Ford customer”.  With how you are treating those of us with the problems, I’d hate to see how you treat someone you really don’t like. Death camps or something – god only knows.

Anyways, after reading this Ford, will you get back to me and let me know if I should buy a new Ford.   Hello, Ford, are you there.  Sorry, didn’t realize you were off working out how to siphon off the next executive pay hike.


Almost made a huge mistake going to a F150!

Well, my lease mileage is just about at 36,000 miles, and the buyout was alot more than it’s worth so i was looking to buy another truck used. My business could use a good looking truck for advertisement sake so i wanted a “big” truck to stand out so a lift and big tires are desired. I found both a chevy K1500 and F150 crew cabs with lift’s and 35” tires and thought about buying one already done up. Well after driving the chev w/5.3L, it was a horrible dog that vibrated badly with a Regency Package on it. Then i tried the F150, even though it’s not to the power of the Tundra, it was alot better in every aspect than the chevy was- i was very surprised! So, i joined the F150forums and did some research and asked some questions, wow those people are really dilusional over there and no wonder why ford sells so many trucks, they are just retards! They all post about spark plugs blowing and breaking, trannys failing or not shifting properly and poor fuel economy- BUT THEY ARE ALRIGHT WITH IT??!! Those guys can’t wait to change the plugs on their NEW truck when they get them home and are alright with buying different selonoids for their trannys and power chips on a brand new truck they just paid $30,000 for- WTF? They they say at least they don’t have the quality/ reliability issues of a Tundra lol. I couldn’t take the stupidity over there and telling them so doesn’t go over well as they are loyal to a fault- basically because they are tools lol. This just made me realize i really need to keep my Tundra for sure now and lift it as my original plan was to do. Funny thing over there is they say the Tundra ONLY has more power over their Fords and the rest of the truck is junk because it doesn’t have their frame strength so it’s not truck worthy- wow!

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January 7, 2009

Gettelfinger boasts union faster than non-union. What about quality???

According to the Tundra Headquarters website, Ron Gettelfinger, who is the UAW boss, made a claim in an op-ed piece for the Detroit News that union workers are faster than non-union workers.

Maybe that explains why the Ford F150 has had so many problems – problems that Ford ignores and hopes the customers forgive and continue to buy a product that no longer advertises “Quality is #1″. Maybe if they took more care in building the product instead of pushing it through at a rip roaring pace, the parts would be put together right. I mean, what does the consumer want – a truck built right or just built fast?

Yes, we have become a fast food country but, I still think we enjoy the taste of a slow cooked steak over a nice charcoal BBQ instead of one of those flash frozen pieces of meat (union or not) quickly warmed over a greasy grill or microwave.

It is an interesting read at this website, with facts showing that Gettelfinger is a bit off the mark and, the closing statement states it all.

“To UAW chief Ron Gettelfinger: Sharing this type of inflated and misleading “fact” is a big part of the reason no one trusts you, the major auto manufacturers, or congress. If you really want to help your members, how about being honest and open with the U.S. public?”

Yes, Ford, why not be open and honest about the leaky window instead of flying your corporate jet to Washington and begging for more money to pay your executives?

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December 5, 2008

Lewenza – I hear they are hiring in Woodstock

Well, I’m probably going to get a letter from CAW President Ken Lewenza on this but, I have, as he has stated in relation to helping with this economic downturn we are in: “suffered already.”  Tonight, there is some celebration in Woodstock, Ontario.  No, not “The Woodstock” but a small town in Ontario that lured Toyota to build a plant there.  For the entire story go to this link but suffice to say, Toyota has opened a $1.1 Billion plant, the first in Ontario in 20 years and it brought in 1200 NON UNION JOBS.  Meanwhile, back at Washington and Ottawa, the Big 3 and the CAW and UAW are working on sucking a few billiion out of the taxpayer and saying they need it to stay in business.  Hmmmmm.   While the CAW/UAW and Big 3 have been busy trying to rip each other off, the non-union bunch have been growing and building jobs for the taxpayer and, may I say, supplying a quality product to the consumer.  Instead of saying, like Ford, “you got no stinkin’ problems”, Toyota went out and fixed the rusting frame problem.  Ford – they just hide their heads like ostriches and say, ” I see no problem”.

No wonder consumers (and taxpayers) are going to firms other than the Big 3 and buying up cars.  Hey guys, instead of blaming the consumer and trying to get the taxpayer to pay into your bloated corpse, maybe you should get real and work out a battle plan that not only gives the consumer a quality car but, creates jobs.

The only threat to the non-union car makers is that the Big 3 will go out of business and cause a crash in the parts manufacturing industry.  This will reduce quality and quantity and thus impact on the prices.  Terrible to think that the only threat to non-union auto manufacturers is the impact that the  union run auto manufacturers will have if they fail.  Kind of ironic but then, Ken must be worried as well.  Hell, without union members, his vacation time will be extended permanently.

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