Ford F150 News

May 21, 2009

Ford picky on who it supports


I read several articles today all centering around the fact that Ford is going to recall some vehicles because the brake light isn’t sensitive enough.  And we all know just how sensitive Ford is.  I think they learned their lessons running the slave camps during WWII.   There are a lot of people who trusted the Ford name and quality and bought F150’s only to learn that the front window was put in wrong and it leaked.  This leakage caused damage to the electronics, putting some people’s lives and families at risk.   Was Ford sensitive.  No way.  Didn’;t even warn us about the problem.  Just waited till the part failed and then repaired it – at our cost of course.  But let the economy go for a dump and they become Mr. Sensitivity and at the slightest twinge of a problem, they do a recall.  I think while the mechanics are fixing these less than perfect brake light problems, maybe the high paid executives should go for sensitivity training.  And they wonder why I’m going Toyota for my next truck.  At least they understand sensitivity.  At least I still have some sensitivity for the UAW/CAW workers losing their jobs, even though they built the truck wrong.  But Ford didn’t care about the financial burden they put on the consumer for this problem and we’re supposed to buy their truck.  They owned up to this recent brake problem but God only knows what else is wrong because Ford won’t tell us.


May 7, 2009

Ford makes the comics


Ford put out a full page ad in the Toronto Star – they must be doing well, today and they state that they have “quality equal to Honda nd Toyota”.  Needed a good laugh to start the day and I hadn’t even turned to the comic page.  They go on to say: “Ford is building some of the highest quality vehicles in the world”. Yeah, right.  If you’ve read my blog, you’ll see their definition of quality.

Honda and Toyota do recalls when there is a problem.  Ford not only ignores the problem but doesn’t even warn the consumer so that even further damage results.  This further damage – someone has to pay the freight to keep the dealerships open and the parts industry afloat.  Well, Ford just hides all their problems and calls it “QUALITY“.   When they burn some police officers to death, they ignore the problem and let aftermarket guys come up with a solution.  Hell, if you don’t admit it, there can’t be a problem.



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