Ford F150 News

May 7, 2009

Ford makes the comics


Ford put out a full page ad in the Toronto Star – they must be doing well, today and they state that they have “quality equal to Honda nd Toyota”.  Needed a good laugh to start the day and I hadn’t even turned to the comic page.  They go on to say: “Ford is building some of the highest quality vehicles in the world”. Yeah, right.  If you’ve read my blog, you’ll see their definition of quality.

Honda and Toyota do recalls when there is a problem.  Ford not only ignores the problem but doesn’t even warn the consumer so that even further damage results.  This further damage – someone has to pay the freight to keep the dealerships open and the parts industry afloat.  Well, Ford just hides all their problems and calls it “QUALITY“.   When they burn some police officers to death, they ignore the problem and let aftermarket guys come up with a solution.  Hell, if you don’t admit it, there can’t be a problem.



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