Ford F150 News

May 7, 2009

Ford makes the comics


Ford put out a full page ad in the Toronto Star – they must be doing well, today and they state that they have “quality equal to Honda nd Toyota”.  Needed a good laugh to start the day and I hadn’t even turned to the comic page.  They go on to say: “Ford is building some of the highest quality vehicles in the world”. Yeah, right.  If you’ve read my blog, you’ll see their definition of quality.

Honda and Toyota do recalls when there is a problem.  Ford not only ignores the problem but doesn’t even warn the consumer so that even further damage results.  This further damage – someone has to pay the freight to keep the dealerships open and the parts industry afloat.  Well, Ford just hides all their problems and calls it “QUALITY“.   When they burn some police officers to death, they ignore the problem and let aftermarket guys come up with a solution.  Hell, if you don’t admit it, there can’t be a problem.



September 5, 2008

Ford – even their employees don’t think much of them

Filed under: Crown Victoria,F150,Ford,leaky window,Toronto Star,Toyota — oakvillehomes @ 3:14 am
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I read the following headline on MSN:


GM Canada’s August sales fall 17.1 per cent, Toyota Canada’s up 29.3 per cent


I n the article they mention that Ford and Chrysler dropped 10.3 and 24.6 respectively.


Here are a few comments of those that work in the industry that were attached to the article.  If you want the entire list of comments go to:



auto assembly Ford Worker

Thank you for your comment! September 4, 2008 7:11:38 PM


I work at Ford and I have to say that Ford Management are very successful in taking care of the bum kissers – the drunks – the drug addicts and the lazy ones who whine so they can get out of a days work but when it comes to helping the hard working dedicated – ontime – punctual – workers we are left out in the cold not only by management like B*** G**** of Ford Oakville Body Build * but by our own union reps who I see only take care of their buddies. They all would be better off creating fuel efficient vehicles and quality. Look at the Ford Flex – What a joke – Looks like a Fridge on its side – May be we should suggest to them to paint them all black with one seat and 3 coffins and call it a taliban wagon and send it over to help our troops and put the taliban in them and bury them in the sand instead of us receving out dedicated soldiers coming home in body bags



CAW Local 707 Autoworker


Cant wait for my retirement date

Thank you for your comment! September 4, 2008 6:45:20 PM


I work at Ford Oakville and all of us workers do our best to make a quality vehicle – It is not our fault that what i call brain dead management in the upper circle that seems to be years behind everybody else. The only succesful thing I see them doing is reducing the workforce and adding more and more work to the worker. Our plant manager sends out news letters telling us to build in station the first time with quality and when we do have quality issues and actually do care for our future we are looked upon as lazy overpaid workers, but when it comes to putting the screws to the worker or adding more work – they are truly 110% sucessful at that




Thank you for your comment!

 September 4, 2008 5:11:53 PM


yes i am a GM worker with a great attitude, these workers u speak of are of an older generation who are retired now , i work in a plant that has a younger generation of works who go in everyday and work hard at their job and enjoy it and want to do the best job they possable can, i know i like my job and want to keep it , now i cant quite make managements decisions but again your speaking of a older time (the real truth) and not todays work force who relize they need to make the best quality product to keep their job and do so everyday and are rewarded with awards time and time again



Work at Honda- drive a Ford

ScottThank you for your comment!

 September 4, 2008 3:17:22 PM


I work for a division of Honda and drive a Ford Fusion. Honda and Toyota do make excellent quaility products for people that want to keep there cars for a long time. I change my vehicles every four years – the price for basic Fusion -that is well appionted and everything that you need is about $22,000. much less than a Camery or Accord.So far it has been the best vehicle I have owned out of many. I am surprised that Ford has not done better with this model





If the people who work at Ford and other companies feel this way, no wonder Ford can’t bother looking after the consumer.  I notice the Honda worker thinks that Honda and Toyota will be better for those who want to own a car for a period of time.


For those that might be offended by the above, these are not my comments and are only copies of those published on a public website.  A website not censored by Ford, like my comments were on their public website.

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