Ford F150 News

January 7, 2009

Gettelfinger boasts union faster than non-union. What about quality???

According to the Tundra Headquarters website, Ron Gettelfinger, who is the UAW boss, made a claim in an op-ed piece for the Detroit News that union workers are faster than non-union workers.

Maybe that explains why the Ford F150 has had so many problems – problems that Ford ignores and hopes the customers forgive and continue to buy a product that no longer advertises “Quality is #1″. Maybe if they took more care in building the product instead of pushing it through at a rip roaring pace, the parts would be put together right. I mean, what does the consumer want – a truck built right or just built fast?

Yes, we have become a fast food country but, I still think we enjoy the taste of a slow cooked steak over a nice charcoal BBQ instead of one of those flash frozen pieces of meat (union or not) quickly warmed over a greasy grill or microwave.

It is an interesting read at this website, with facts showing that Gettelfinger is a bit off the mark and, the closing statement states it all.

“To UAW chief Ron Gettelfinger: Sharing this type of inflated and misleading “fact” is a big part of the reason no one trusts you, the major auto manufacturers, or congress. If you really want to help your members, how about being honest and open with the U.S. public?”

Yes, Ford, why not be open and honest about the leaky window instead of flying your corporate jet to Washington and begging for more money to pay your executives?

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