Ford F150 News

April 20, 2009

Freedom of the Press – real or not?????

I read an article in the Saturday Toronto Star (IN 6 April 18th, 2009).  Titled, “Stories that make a difference“, it was a nicely written piece by the Toronto Star Public Editor, Kathy English that explained how the Star utilized investigative reporters and was one of the few newspapers to have the luxury of such services.  I tried to submit the following as a comment but, as you can see, it was too long.  I did submit it to the Public Editor though via email.  If you visit the comment section for the article, you will see that I am not alone in my thoughts.

We all know there are Republican/Democrat/Conservative/Liberal biased newspapers run by those in power that want their viewpoint brought forward.  The opinion pages are just that, OPINION PAGES.  Hopefully though, the integrity of the journalistic occupation is upheld though in the NEWS sections of the paper.  Just the facts ma”am is what we want.  Unbiased reporting of the facts that let us make our own conclusion.  If we want help, we visit the opinion page and get the biased look at the news.

But, when a newspaper says it does investigative reporting to right wrongs and when given evidence of such wrongdoing and it does nothing, well, it loses its credibility.  Freedom of the press, methinks, is bought and paid for by the advertisers and power structure of the country it is published.  In some 3rd world countries, the dictator dictates the news.  Here, an advertiser just calls the publisher and gets what they want.  Has anyone read about the Ford leaky window problem in the mainstream (Ford advertising) press or just in local forums and this blog? But then again, you don’t see Ford ads on this blog.  🙂


Dear Ms. English


I originally wasn’t going to comment on your piece dated April 18th (IN 6 “Stories that make a difference”) but, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that the whole story wasn’t being told.  No, it was a good article and made a few good points but, it may have “talked the talk” but we are talking about a paper that no longer “walks the walk”.


You mention that the Star is “clearly in a minority of Canadian newspapers in its current commitment to investigative journalism”.    You further state that “investigative reporting as integral to its mission of serving the public trust and championing social justice issues”.  Well, we have seen your paper publically display the income of a few police officers who are working hard and, you recently hounded a police senior officer to his house even in order to further expose his “internal” charges.  I am sure the public at large out there are really concerned on how this will affect their own lives. 


But, when you are given solid information that Ford has built F150 trucks with internal manufacturing faults and does not even tell the consumer, you ignore something that not only affects a lot of people but, puts their lives at risk.  Ford was even selling these vehicles knowing they had these faults and didn’t warn the consumer to look out for certain signs.  No, they just let the consumer pay for the repairs.  I guess you consider that good corporate citizenship.


And, Mattamy Homes?  Here we have an award winning builder pleading guilty to an environmental crime and it doesn’t appear in your paper nor the other issues in Kanataand Bracebridge, which are covered by much smaller news agencies.


What is common between these two?  They are major advertisers in your paper. 


Your editor Kevin Donovan is quoted as saying: “”We do these stories to make a difference.  We investigate allegations of wrongdoing and when those allegations are borne out we tell stories that, we hope, make decision-makers take notice. If we are lucky, we bring injustices to light and right wrongs.”  Only those injustices that perk the interest of your reporters and don’t offend your main advertisers it seems is what you write about.  Let’s face it, money talks and so do advertisers.  So, please don’t talk about righting wrongs when you are selective on whom you take on –   non-advertisers and I guess those who can’t defend themselves publically.  Thank god for Blogs.  At least we have an opportunity to bring the truth out into the open.  And you wonder why there is declining readership?  It is called credibility and the Star’s biases are one reason you’re losing readership.

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